Company group
The “filtec” trademark stands for a high-tech group of companies whose parent company is Filament-Technik in Baesweiler. Subsidiaries are the Kamenzer Zwirnerei in Saxony and filtec precise.
Years of innovation
Our locations

Baesweiler I DE
Filament-Technik in Baesweiler is the main location of our group of companies. There, with approx. 120 employees, we have been manufacturing highly sophisticated twisted yarns for our customers since 1974. We have all the technologies and the competence and the will to also develop new technological solutions if the implementation of your ideas is not possible with the existing technologies.

Kamenz I DE
Our subsidiary Kamenzer Zwirnerei is located in Kamenz in Saxony. From there we supply customers independently, but also use the site as a value-adding partner for filament technology. In this way, we can guarantee our customers constant availability and delivery reliability.

Tabor City I USA
Our subsidiary filtec precise is located in Tabor City, North Carolina, USA. With approx. 40 employees, we supply the entire American market in particular from there. In addition, our innovation center for the development and production of EHP yarns is located there.
We at Filament-Technik are aware of our corporate and social responsibility towards all our internal and external stakeholders. For us, the implementation of this responsibility is based on holistic, genuine sustainable action. To this end, we have drawn up a mission statement for our Corporate Social Responsibility, which forms the regulatory framework for the integration of our sustainability goals into our corporate strategy.

We regularly evaluate the individual components of the mission statement with regard to their achievement of objectives and define measures to achieve them. Die einzelnen Bestandteile des Leitbilds werden von uns regelmäßig hinsichtlich We have summarized our ethical and moral values and standards, which form the basis of our mission statement, in our Code of Conduct. This is binding for all employees of the filtec group of companies. At the same time, we feel obliged to ensure these values and standards along our entire supply chain. Therefore, we have summarized the requirements for our suppliers in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which defines binding behaviors for our suppliers.
To keep challenging ourselves, we don’t just leave it at our internal sustainability activities. Since 2017, we have had our sustainability performance assessed annually by EcoVadis. We are proud to have been awarded the silver medal in 2022 and to be among the 18% most sustainable companies.
Interested in learning more about our EcoVadis rating in detail? Feel free to contact us at any time. We are happy to share our scorecard with you and discuss our current sustainability activities with you.
We were one of the first companies in the industry to be certified according to DIN-ISO. And to ensure that your yarns are guaranteed to be produced to the required quality in the future, all of our sites continue to be certified to ISO 9001:2015. In order to obtain this certification and thus ensure your quality, we have to comply with seven principles:
- The principle of customer orientation
- A management that is directly oriented towards the market
- A cultivated relationship management between customers, company and suppliers
- The involvement of employees in decision-making processes within the company
- Constant improvement in quality – no stagnation
- Process-oriented approaches for an efficient use of resources
- Fact-based decision-making in all matters